manueller Rundschalttisch RSE-6-L-12-K-0-0-M Skip to content


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Rotary Indexing Table RSE-6-L-12-K-0-0-M

Article number: 000000170432
Manufacturer: Friedemann Wagner GmbH

Product Class: RSE
Design Size: RSE-6-M
Product name: Rotary Indexing Table RSE-6-L-12-K-0-0-M, partition 12

✓ manual rotary indexing table ✓ for hybrid workstations ✓ anti-clockwise rotation ✓ automatic locking in end position ✓ pneumatic unlocking ✓ rotation direction can be changed ✓ division can be changed ✓ technical data see below

Brochure: link to pdf-file, datasheet and drawing
Operating Instruction*:  link to pdf-file operating instructions

* in case of accessories: link to selection tables

Technical Data :
Technical data and diagrams are non-binding and for guidance only.
All informations are valid at 6 bar pressure, air consumption is valid at 1 bar.
Technica data and constructions subject to change without prior notice.
All information without engagement.

Product pictures:
Picture may differ from original product.

Rotary Indexing Table RSE-6-L-12-K-0-0-M

product features

Over 45 years of quality

Made in Germany

Since our foundation in 1979, we have been successfully manufacturing high-precision swivel, rotary indexing, lifting, linear and gripping units in Baden-Württemberg.

Special design features

with special benefits

Day after day, we meet the highest technical and quality requirements of our renowned customers.