circuit timing RSE-6 and RSE-9 - overview-table

What switching time can we achive by RSE-6 or RSE-9 within a minute ?

Basically all pneumatic driven rotary indexers of Wagner do have an integrated restrictor - enabling you to adjust turning speed of the table.
Workload, flying around due to acceleration- or stop-processes should be avoided.
When optimising cycles, it is interesting to know the possible "speed" of RSE-6 / RSE-9 at maximum load.

Keep in mind: With an increase of the number of partitions, the turning angle decreases. As the length of the needed piston movement (distance) gets shorter - circuit time does the same!

Partition 4 means: the piston-rod has to move all the distance until an angle of 90° is done. In case of partition 12, the distance is shorter - as only 30° turning is needed.

In our brochure you´ll find a range of 40-110 circuit timings / min.
In the operating instructions you can identify the basic formula.

The table below gives a fast overview.

Please remind, partitions above 18 only can be done with RSE-9.

  circuit timing per min.  timing in seconds
circuit timing per min. timing in seconds 
partition RSE-6 RSE-9
4 50 1.2 40 1,5
5 54 1.11 44 1,4
6 58 1.03 48 1,25
7 62 0.97 52 1,15
8 66 0.91 56 1,07
9 70 0.86 60 1
10 74 0.81 64 0,94
11 78 0.77 68 0,88
12 82 0.73 72 0,83
13 86 0.7 76 0,79
14 90 0.67 80 0,75
15 94 0.64 84 0,71
16 98 0.61 88 0,68
17 102 0.59 92 0,65
18 106 0.57 96 0,62
19 - - 100 0,6
20 - - 104 0,57
21 - - 108 0,55
22 - . 110* 0.55
23 - - 110* 0.55
24 - - 110* 0.55

* from this point, more cycles are possible (in theory by calculation).
Due to breaking- / stopping- process of the load 
(hydraulic damper) the difference in reality is negligible!